Red Ribbon Week Oct 25-29

Red Ribbon Week!…

Red Ribbon Week! got its start in 1985 as a way to promote the importance of living a “Drug Free!” life style. Schools across the country celebrate this very important week by doing activities to promote wellness for students, typically during the last week in October.

Holmes will participate in “Red Ribbon Week!” October 25 – 29.

Each day we’ll have a daily theme and say an “Anti-Drug Pledge!” during morning messages.

October 25 – 29

Monday-“SOCK IT TO DRUGS” (Wear crazy socks)    

Tuesday-“OUR FUTURE IS TOO BRIGHT FOR DRUGS” (Wear bright colors)

Wednesday-“ ‘RED’ y (ready) to say NO to DRUGS” (Wear Red)

Thursday-“HOLMES IS DRUG FREE” (wear your Holmes gear)

Friday-“TEAM UP AGAINST DRUGS” (wear favorite sports team)

Thanks for supporting Holmes and your child during “Red Ribbon Week!”